Our Preschool Enrichment & School Readiness Classes compliment your child’s preschool education and are aimed at preparing your child for school. We foster social awareness and a love of learning to help children have a positive start to school.

Children in this program engage in specific learning activities that prepare them for a smooth transition into formal education at Primary School. These include developing organisation skills, taking responsibility for their belongings and how to ask for help from an adult.

To activate young minds and brains we always adopt a multi-sensory approach to learning. Through participation in visual, auditory and kinaesthetic activities, the children develop a wide range of skills including gross motor and fine motor skills, which are also precursors to early literacy and numeracy development.

These classes include:

  • Early Literacy & Numeracy Skills
  • Learning through seeing, hearing and doing
  • Small group, structured learning environment
  • Fine and gross motor skill development
  • Science Technology Engineering Mathematics (STEM) activities to encourage problem solving and social skills

A major component of our classes is immersing our young students’ minds into quality foundational language learning opportunities. We use a wide variety of talking and listening activities that include phonemic awareness, quality literature and other visual literacy stimuli to further develop their oral language skills. Oral language is critical to learning and provides the basis for reading and writing development (Kamhi & Cats 2005). This immersion in language provides children at Serendipity Learning with the foundation skills they need for Kindergarten.

Our classes are held weekly during school terms and run for 90 minutes. Our classes have a maximum of 8 children with 2 teachers ensuring quality teaching and learning experiences. We acknowledge that all children have differing learning styles which is why we cater specifically for individual learners during our small group classes.

Do you really want your child to attend our class but the morning logistics are a challenge?

Given our classes start at 9.15am and conclude at 10.45pm, we appreciate that family logistics can be tricky with work commitments and booked preschool days. However, we do have many families who arrange to have their child attend our class first on preschool days and then the child goes to their normal preschool day following. For those parents who work full time, we also have a partnership with Young Explorers Preschool and Long Day Care located just down the street from us at 5 North Street Coffs Harbour. You can enrol your child at Young Explorers and they can participate in our weekly School Readiness Classes during school terms. Our Young Explorers children are safely walked down to the Serendipity Learning House by staff members and then picked up again at the end of the class to continue their preschool day at Young Explorers.